Enrolment process
On completing the enrolment form, a member of the administration team will hold an interview with the parent/caregiver and child (if possible). The enrolment form will consist of a generic Education Queensland enrolment application and Media release (1 form per student), along with a number of forms specific to Gympie South – Student Computer Agreement (1 form per child), Religious Instruction and Chaplaincy form (1 form per family). Please fill these forms in as thoroughly as possible. Any questions or concerns the school will be able to assist you.
The interview needs to take place prior to the student commencing. Children will usually commence school the day following their interview to ensure that the class teacher is prepared for their arrival to ensure optimum success for the child. For children with a verified diagnosis, the head of special education will also need to be involved in the enrolment.
At the interview a number of questions will be asked to support your child’s transition:
child’s strengths and concerns.
previous intervention/support/alternative programming provided at the previous school.
behaviours concerns or supports required to ensure success for the child.
health concerns, considerations or medication requirements.
family arrangements/custody orders.
collection/transport arrangements.
At the interview, bring as much information as possible to allow the school to share this with the teacher prior to commencement. Previous recent report cards, medical information, family court orders will allow the school to have measures in place. The school will also contact the child’s previous school to ensure information is transferred.
Download the Department's enrolment form (PDF, 466 KB).
Gympie South is committed to supporting students’ health and wellbeing. We would appreciate parents/carers providing the school with any relevant health information that is required to support the student at school. see the links below for further information.